Chat Overlay
The chat overlay is a fully customizable overlay that displays your stream chat on your video feed. This is useful for VODs that are being stored on YouTube or any other external storage space.
This overlay is built with speed in mind from the ground up and can easily thousands of chat messages every second without any problems.
- Style:
- Message text colour
- Message background colour
- Font and Font Size
- User Icons − Whether or not to show the user's profile picture in the overlay.
- Corner rounding of the message boxes
- The space between each message box
- The space between the text and the edge of the message box
- X/Y rotation so you can give it some perspective
- Animation:
- Fade messages out after a specific amount of time
- Different effects for when a message is sent
- Different effects for when a message is removed from the overlay
- Other:
- Hiding chat messages that start with a command (`!`)
- Hiding chat messages from specific accounts
- Change from bottom-to-top chat to top-to-bottom
Other Features:
- Full emoji support for both global and subscriber emoji
- Displays all badges, including subscriber
- Messages are deleted from the overlay when deleted from chat